Oh, salad. When will they learn that salad makes your teeth go grey! Basically, if it’s a fancy food, it’ll make your teeth go grey, and be very rude to the organs. Salad is part of the soil foods, which makes it an enemy.
That’s why I established my travelling show, where I travel around country Australian schools and teach kids about food shape, and why they should eat plain foods that keep the body ticking over nicely. Or…that’s the plan, anyway. Turns out I neglected to keep my own van ticking over nicely. Don’t suppose any automotive services garages near Ringwood can help me out? I think it might be something to do with how I usually unleash my rage upon the gearstick when I’m stuck in traffic or generally frustrated. It prevents me from taking out my anger upon the children when they ask silly questions, like why cooked meats make your teeth go grey. When will they learn that you can just eat yeast and it’ll go away? But too much yeast makes your teeth go grey.
I suppose that’s why I exist, to teach them about this fine balance, but I can’t get anywhere if I don’t get my Healthy Van serviced at some car servicing location. Ironically, it’s now both a Healthy Van and an unhealthy van, if you get my meaning, you know?
So I’m sitting by the side of the road and trying to find out if there are any good mechanics in the Ringwood area, but all I can think about is how the children won’t be able to learn the cleansing properties of aspic. Delicious, life-giving aspic, just the thing for making sure your teeth don’t go grey. Although too much aspic does…well, you get it. Just like too much messing with the gear stick means that your car won’t start. Also, I might have overfilled the oil. Is that a real thing? Maybe cars, like people, can have too much of a good thing. When I make contact with a mechanic open in Ringwood, I can ask them.
Too much oil…does it make the engine go grey?
-S. Chop