Professional Post Production

I’m an amateur filmmaker. I’ve recently bought myself a camera and have started just shooting different things every day. Some days I’ll follow a subject around for the day and document a day in their life; other days I’ll film random bits of nature to tell a story. I’ve got hours of raw footage that I’m ready to turn into art, but I actually don’t know how to edit the footage. I tried putting it together myself on my laptop, but it really didn’t do my beautiful footage justice. 

I think I might need professional post production services rather than doing it myself. When I first realised this I was a bit disheartened, but then I remembered that the person that does the filming very rarely edits their own work. Video editing and filming are two different things and it’s okay if I don’t have perfect video editing skills.

I’ve decided to get in touch with a video production service. Melbourne may not be the easiest location for me, but I can send my footage over to them. I’d rather go interstate for high quality post production rather than just choose a local, less established company. I take too much pride in my work to settle for anything less than the best. It’s especially important right now that the final copies of my work are of the highest quality. I will be sending my work to local film schools and festivals, and I’d like to position myself as an up and coming videographer in the future. To do this, the videos obviously need to be edited to the best standard and highlight the artistic nature of my footage.

I’m really glad that I bought myself the camera a few months ago. It’s really helped me find a hobby that I’m passionate about. Hopefully, in the next couple of years it’ll no longer be a hobby, but a career.