Designing a home means more than just designing the parts that go into the foundation, or on the walls. It means getting yourself ready to design a whole home, be it totally from scratch, or from existing designs. It means having to deck out what will be your mobile planning studio for the next few months: your utility vehicle.
Your ute may well be the best place to organise your home building; it’s capable of holding all manner of planning and construction tools, and with a little bit of customisation, there are a number of extras you can add to your ute.
Aluminium toolboxes are the classic addition to any ute; you can almost double the tool space provided by the back of the ute with a few well-placed toolboxes. The key to having a well utilised utility vehicle is being able to make use of every compartment, for every need you’ll come across. Some vehicles come stock with many compartments for tools, while others may require a custom aftermarket solution. Thankfully there are plenty of options to kit out a ute with extra storage space. Tradespeople have found a niche is custom ute design, making use of underneath the tray, as well as on top of the roof to provide more room than ever before. Ample space can be created to cater for all types of trades, including those using heavy machinery and bulky equipment.
Roof racks and bars are a great way to organise your home building supplies and plans, and an innovative way to save on space within the cab. Many tradespeople are able to better compartmentalise when making use of the roof, as well as the under tray drawers, to save time and help their home building designs. The load should always be secured with straps or cords before driving in order to keep others on the road safe.